Stacey took me skydiving 2 years ago for my bithday. Here we are in our suits at the hanger.

This is how Stacey looked the whole time. So excited.

We didn't get to bring the camera up in the plane. This is the last picture before we jumped. There were a few people who chickend out before us. I was not scared at all though. It was out of my control, so I was just a passenger along to enjoy the ride. It was fast, intense, and memorable.

Random shot of Stacey at Beaver Creek.

This is up Lookout Mountain in Golden with my woman. This Spring was so green and wet but beautiful. I rode my road bike up this hill yesterday just so I could go back down. You start down by the houses and climb about 2,000 feet to the top. I think I hit about 40mph on the way down. Shred.